
Do you have questions about the research at the MPI-IE or do you need information and photographic material? Are you a journalist and would you like to arrange an interview with scientists at the institute? The communication department at the MPI-IE will be glad to help you.

The Communication department of the MPI-IE coordinates all public relations and media-related activities of the institute. Our main goal is to bring the science from the laboratory to the public. This is achieved through press releases, public events, information material, and several different activities to make cutting-edge science understandable to a broad range of audiences, from students, to international media, to the general public.

Media relations

We inform about the activities of the MPI-IE to the international community of scientists, to the media, and the general public. Current press releases and news items can be found in our “News & Events” section highlighting important research findings and achievements of our faculty regarding awards, grants and more. The communication department also hosts journalists’ visits to institute and organizes interviews and briefings with scientists.

Science & Society

The MPI-IE communication department aims to make science engaging through events, outreach activities, and compelling multimedia. We host the annual Zukunftstag at the institute, participate in the Freiburg chapter of Pint of Science, and the Freiburg Science Fair. On all these occasions, biologists from the institute share their research stories and discoveries with the public. We provide the public with various kinds of information material: the Institute Report as a download, educational leaflets focussing on our research, research reports by our labs in the MPG yearbook as well as articles in MaxPlanckResearch, the bilingual science magazine of the MPG. You can also watch and listen to our scientists in the “Media Library”. In our Science & Society section of the website, we present outreach activities and more by the MPI-IE and the MPG.

Digital communications & social media

The communication department maintains the institute’s website that is kept up to date with comprehensive information about the institute, its research, the latest news, events, and details of the various educational programs the MPI-IE provides.

We also use social media to engage with the public. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Bluesky and Mastodon! We are looking forward to exchange ideas with you. Want to learn more about our Privacy Policy concerning our social media channels? Lookin for the imprint?

More interest to engage with us on social media? Then here is a list with all MPI-IE labs, scientists and alumni regularly tweeting.

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